Education Series Boost your Knowledge with Genics Videos, guides and brochures

Read a copy of Genics’ Shrimp MultiPath™ multiplexed PCR white spot syndrome virus detection in penaeid shrimp.

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Educational Videos

Here you’ll find highlighted videos in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The full set can be found on our YouTube channel. If you’d like specific information for your business needs, contact us.

How to dissect a shrimp to sample target organs for Genics Shrimp MultiPath™

In this video, Genics CEO, Dr Melony Sellars, runs a masterclass on shrimp anatomy and dissection for early pathogen detection using Shrimp MultiPath™.

How do I sample Shrimp tissue for Genics testing?

Learn the easiest and fastest way to collect shrimp tissue samples for Genics laboratory testing.

How do I sample Shrimp pleopods for ShrimpID testing?

In this video, Dr. Melony Sellars talks about sampling about how to sample shrimp pleopods for genotyping with ShrimpID

How do I sterilize my shrimp tissue sampling surface?

In this video, Dr. Melony Sellars talks about sterilizing a surface area to take effective shrimp tissue samples ready for Shrimp MultiPath™’

How to quickly sterilize tools used in shrimp pathogen detection (English)

Dr. Melony Sellars, a global shrimp expert, shares a quick tutorial on how to sterilize basic lab equipment when working with shrimp.

Shrimp Dissection Tutorial A (English)

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass in Lymphoid organ dissection.

Shrimp Dissection Tutorial B (English)

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass in non-destructive pleopod sampling for use with Shrimp MultiPath

Shrimp Dissection Tutorial C (English)

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass Shrimp MultiPath target organ dissection.

Which Ethanol do I use for Shrimp MultiPath testing?

A question we’re often asked is ‘which ethanol do I use to preserve tissue samples for Shrimp MultiPath™’? In this video, Dr. Melony Sellars talks about some options.

Diluting 100% ethanol ready for Shrimp MultiPath testing

A question we’re often asked is how to dilute 100% laboratory grade ethanol to the required 70% ready to preserve tissue samples for Shrimp MultiPath™. In this video, Dr. Melony Sellars delivers an instructional video on how to dilute ethanol.

How to make Davidsons Solution (English)

We show you how to make Davidsons Solution. This is the fixation solution used when collecting shrimp samples for Genics DeepDive Histopathology.  It uses a combination of acids and ethanol to ideally preserve your shrimp tissue and organelle structure for the ultimate DeepDive investigation.

How to use Davidsons Solution (English)

Genics CEO and Chief Scientist Dr. Melony Sellars, shows how prepare shrimp tissue samples for Shrimp MultiPath (Pathogen Detection) and DeepDive Histopathology using Davidsons Solutions as the fixative.

Postlarval pooling for testing on with Shrimp MultiPath (English)

In this short video see how simple it is to pool your Post larvae.

How to eye tag your shrimp (English)

In this video Dr Melony Sellars and Genics Scientist Louise Franz, show how to eye tag your breeding shrimp to help with identification.

How to take water samples for eDNA testing

Genics CEO and Chief Scientist Dr. Melony Sellars, shows how to set up the filters and pump to take water samples for eDNA testing in MultiPath.

Videos in Indonesian
Video Bahasa Indonesia


Dalam penjelasan video animasi singkat ini, pelajari bagaimana Shrimp MultiPath™ menguntungkan petani di seluruh dunia.

In this short animated video explainer, learn how Shrimp MultiPath™ benefits farmers all over the world.


Dr. Melony Sellars, pakar udang global, berbagi tutorial singkat tentang cara mensterilkan peralatan laboratorium dasar saat menangani udang.

Dr. Melony Sellars, a global shrimp expert, shares a quick tutorial on how to sterilize basic lab equipment when working with shrimp.


Dalam video ini Dr. Melony Sellars memimpin kelas master dalam diseksi organ limfoid.

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass in Lymphoid organ dissection.


Dalam video ini Dr. Melony Sellars melakukan kelas master dalam pengambilan sampel pleopoda non-destruktif untuk digunakan dengan Shrimp MultiPath™ Path

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass in non-destructive pleopod sampling for use with Shrimp MultiPath.


Dalam video ini Dr. Melony Sellars melakukan pembedahan organ target masterclass Shrimp MultiPath.

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass Shrimp MultiPath target organ dissection.


Dalam video ini Dr. Melony Sellars menyampaikan video pendidikan instruksional tentang cara mengidentifikasi jenis kelamin udang.

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars delivers an instructional education video on how to identify shrimp gender.


Dalam video ini Dr Melony Sellars dan Ilmuwan Genics Louise Franz, tunjukkan cara menandai udang pembiakan Anda untuk membantu identifikasi.

In this video Dr Melony Sellars and Genics Scientist Louise Franz, show how to eye tag your breeding shrimp to help with identification.

Videos in Spanish
Videos en español

Shrimp MultiPath™ Target Organs Tutorial (Tutorial de órganos de destino MultiPath de camarones)

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars conducts a masterclass in how to identify and sample the five key target organs for use in pathogen detection.

En este video, el Dr. Melony Sellars dirige una clase magistral sobre cómo identificar y muestrear los cinco órganos diana clave para su uso en la detección de patógenos.

Non destructive Pleopod sampling for pathogen detection (Muestreo no destructivo de Pleopod para detección de patógenos)

In this video Dr. Melony Sellars show how to complete a non destructive pleopod sampling for use in pathogen detection.

En este video, el Dr. Melony Sellars muestra cómo completar un muestreo no destructivo de pleópodos para su uso en la detección de patógenos.

Videos in Vietnamese
Video bằng tiếng việt

Shrimp Gender Identification (Tôm xác định giới)

In this video we show how to identify gender in shrimp.

Trong video này, chúng tôi trình bày cách xác định giới tính của tôm.

Shrimp Dissection Tutorial ( Hướng dẫn mổ tôm)

In this video we show how to dissect a shrimp ready for Shrimp MultiPath testing.

Trong video này, chúng tôi hướng dẫn cách mổ tôm sẵn sàng để thử nghiệm Tôm đa ​​đường.

Educational Resources

Handy Guides

Explore these invaluable guides to enhance your knowledge of shrimp farm biosecurity and early pathogen detection. Stay up-to-date with our frequently updated guides. Submit your contact information, and we’ll send the guide directly to your email.

If you have any questions, contact our friendly team.

Shrimp Disease De-Contamination Procedures

Penaeid Shrimp Egg washing guide

Pathogen Guides

Here you can find (and download to keep), key information about commercially relevant pathogens in shrimp in PDF format. We’re regularly updating new pathogen guides in English, Vietnamese, and Spanish languages.

If you’d like specific information for your business needs, contact our team.

Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP)

Infectious Myonecrosis Virus (IMNV)

Decapod Iridescent virus 1 (DIV1)

White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV)

Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV)

Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), and Penaeus monodon Mortality Syndrome (PmMS)

Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV)

Hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV)

Bacterial White Spot Syndrome (BWSS)

Gill Associated Virus (GAV)

Laem-Singh Necrosis Virus (LSNV)

Monodon baculovirus or (MBV)

Mourilyan Virus (MoV)

Penaeus vannamei solinvivirus (PvSV)

Yellow Head Virus variant 1 and 7 (YHV1 & YHV7)

Educational Resources in Indonesian
Sumber Daya Pendidikan dalam Bahasa

Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP)

Infectious Myonecrosis Virus (IMNV)

Decapod Iridescent virus 1 (DIV1)

White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV)

Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV)

Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), and Penaeus monodon Mortality Syndrome (PmMS)

Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV)

Hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV)

Bacterial White Spot Syndrome (BWSS)

Gill Associated Virus (GAV)

Laem-Singh Necrosis Virus (LSNV)

Monodon baculovirus or (MBV)

Mourilyan Virus (MoV)

Penaeus vannamei solinvivirus (PvSV)

Yellow Head Virus variant 1 and 7 (YHV1 & YHV7)

Educational Resources in Spanish
Recursos de información en español

Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP)

Virus de la Mionecrosis Infecciosa (IMNV)

Virus Iridiscente de los Decápodos 1 (DIV1)

Virus del Síndrome de la Mancha Blanca (WSSV)

Virus de la necrosis infecciosa hipodérmica y hematopoyética – IHHNV

Síndrome de Mortalidad Temprana (EMS), Enfermedad de la Necrosis Aguda del Hepatopáncreas (AHPND) y Síndrome de Mortalidad del Penaeus monodon (PmMS)

Virus del Síndrome de Taura (TSV)

Parvovirus Hepatopancreático (HPV)

Educational Resources in Vietnamese
Tài nguyên giáo dục bằng tiếng Việt

Bệnh Đốm Trắng (WSSV)

Hội chứng tôm chết sớm (EMS), Bệnh Hoại tử gan tuỵ cấp tính (AHPND), Hội chứng gây chết tôm sú (PmMS)

Bệnh Vi bào tử trùng (EHP)

Bệnh hoại tử cơ quan tạo máu và cơ quan biểu mô (IHHNV)

Bệnh teo gan tuy (HPV)

Published Articles

Backed by empirical peer-reviewed research, Genics delivers novel tools for commercial access providing improved animal health, management & biosecurity.

Click Request Paper, submit the completed form, and we’ll email you a copy of the paper you are requesting.

Detection of infectious myonecrosis virus in Penaeus vannamei using the multiplexed PCR platform shrimp MultiPath™

Shrimp MultiPath™ multiplexed PCR white spot syndrome virus detection in penaeid shrimp

Development of new real-time PCR methods for detection of Decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1) in shrimp

Genome assembly of the Australian black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon reveals a novel fragmented IHHNV-EVE sequence

Reduced growth performance of Black Tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) infected with infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus

You can visit the ScienceDirect link to the publication here 

Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei real-time and Shrimp MultiPath™ PCR assay validation for South-East Asian and Latin American strains of Penaeid shrimp.

Detection and Genetic Diversity of Porcine Rotavirus A, B and C in Eastern Australian Piggeries.

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